Yes, its really hard seeing another manga ending soon. On the last chapter updated by the fan-sub group it was said that the next issue will be the FINAL CHAPTER. I really loved this series because of the complex story and yeah its like an eroge game though its really kinda confusing at the beginning because the story just repeats though after a few chapters you would understand what really is the story about.
Its like a mixture of Stein;Gate(time traveling though its not literally time travel its just like resetting the world and trying a new route) and The World God Only Knows(Conquering girls and finding out what route is the best though the protagonist is a lolicon unlike Keima he is a real time 2d lover) like what I always say +All-Good-Things-Must-Come-To-an-End
The next issue will be the finale if the fab-sub group translated it right :)
Related: http://www.bubblews.com/news/308339-boku-to-kanojo-no-renai-mokuroku-ending
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