Sunday, July 28, 2013

Somehow this is more or less just a breather episode, Izuru was given more test just to keep him safe because of the previous happening of his personality being change and his sudden Harmonic Level getting way too high that almost made his ASHMB unit overheat. Well because of the improvement of Izuru, somehow Asagi was feeling down of him not being able to catch up with them.
Also Teoria invited Izuru on a dinner date well it was not really that special or something because Asagi was with them and it was disturbed because of the battle going on. The Wulgaru somehow have a plan on going inside earth because of the thing they have discovered from before about the Academy though there is still not a reason for them actually going there but hopefully it will be revealed on the next episode.

I really wanted to see more of Izuru's new found power and hopefully the other member will be able to use it sometime soon.


The author of this post is Hellogarry, contact me if you have any problems.


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