I finally finished all 64 Episodes of Full Metal Alchemist- Brotherhood it took me quite a while, as I said before I only watched it because I was curious about the ending well thats because I have watched it before though part by part on our television but after seeing the Confession End by Edward Elric I became really curious about it and started watching it from Episode 1 until the end. It took me around 2 weeks because of the busy schedule well here goes the review.
Overall it was really worth watching 'Brotherhood' this doesn't just focus on the side of Ed and Al but I also feels that it is focusing on Scar and his brother as well they really did a great part considering being just side characters they can became main characters to be honest. The mixture of Comedy, Action and Romance is really great. The art style is also appropriate for the story not that flashy but also not that sluggish, I also love the sound tracks on the opening and ending pretty great.

For Ed, Al and Winry they are able to continue their lives Al and Ed continue their Journey now the find ways to help people in need like the Chimera. Winry is also happy because Ed still have his leg as automail if I'm not mistake and finally Ed was able to confess with Alchemist's way it was really funny.
Well the ending was really great too bad we didn't see more of the end but I think its good as it is. It would be better for the fans to create their own ends right?
Anyways its really worth watching. overall 9/10
Related: http://www.bubblews.com/news/896801-full-metal-alchemist-brotherhood
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