First of all this have spoilers..secondly this movie is plain awesome.
Its quite stupid that now unlike the movie on Kick Ass 1 there is only one idiotic public hero which is Kick us but now everyone is in public. I mean superheroes wondering around like normal people thats just stupidity. It was great in the first one seeing Big Daddy in action but with this its more funnier!
The Mother***** villain was insanely stupid especially his costume I mean thats his mothers nevermind..and when he was recruiting members for his Villain group it was racism or maybe he was just insulting his teammates! I mean the Black guy and the Mother Russia..woah..well he is rich.
• Hit Girl
Now this is what I was waiting for the entire time but the bad part is she was trying to be normal the entire time which is not really bad I tell you why later. She did have a little action but it wasn't that great, and she doesn't really look good in it anymore unlike when she was smaller. Actually I really love the story of her just wanting someone to be with, thats why she tried to be normal and get some friends.
But seriously she looks the first movie she is indeed cute especially on her Hit Girl costume but now I likes her without the superhero costume. I mean look at her.
•Sick Stick
This is the most hilarious part of them all~! I mean what the heck the one who got hit was pooping and puking public! I want that sick stick with me all the time it might be the best self defense device I've ever seen in my entire life! And its plain Hilarious!
•Mother Russia
She was plainly a one 'woman' army I mean she literally defeated 10 policeman 5 police car destroyed..single handed. They should just throw away that main villain and make Mother Russia the one. But it will be less funny so never mind that.
•Night Bitch - Killing scene
This was plainly awesome I can't stop laughing when MotherF wanted to rape Night Bitch he was not able to because he said that he was not in the mood I really was laughing so hard good thing it was raining that no one probably heard it. But seriously it was epic.
Well they were one by one killed by the villain group until the police captured all people with masked and here comes when they are going to get Kick Ass.
•Kick Ass Father
It was really amazing he sacrificed himself for his own son thats what I call heroic. He also died heroically saving his own son that is just epic, I thought this will be just fun and games but it is a total +tearjerker .
When his father was killed I was like not this is getting serious! But when he said he was giving up what the heck? Good thing his words to Hit Girl back fired to him.
•Kick Ass Kidnapped Car Scene
This was amazing what I was waiting for the Hit Girl not in her uniform fighting in a moving car it was pretty much brutal but I really loved it. Especially when she was literally avoiding the bullets it was really a great scene.
•Hit Girl vs Mother Russia
In the beginning it was more or less one sided by Mother Russia I mean she literally is a one woman army but right after Hit Girl was drugged it was reversed I was really having fun with their battle it was probably the best battle scene.
The other battle scene with other superheroes and villains was not really that great it just a side show for Hit Girl vs Mother Russia but it was still cool in a way anyways.
The finale it was a bit open for a sequel, though its really sad seeing Hit Girl leaving..and Kick Ass finally is now training.
Somehow they are really emphasizing 'FATHERLY LOVE' in different kind of ways. Like Hit Girl's father who trained her to be strong and be able to protect herself and for revenge. Kick Ass's father is loving and protective to his son. For MotherF not really sure he gives whatever he wants or something like that? Anyways it was about family.
It was really a great Action and COMEDY movie. 9/10
Part 1:
Part 2:
Making Dreams into Reality
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