I just finished 167 chapters(including the 166.5) of the manga Suzuka, and to be honest it was really great. The manga seems first seems to have the characters will be focusing way too much on track and field but this manga didn't they go for a more realistic ending which is really unbelievable they just used the dreams of the characters of being in the nationals or being a professional athletes as stepping stone for a better and more romantic ending. I first thought that they will really be making too much of sports in this manga but instead they really are giving their all for the romance to be more realistic than other manga nowadays which are completely just focusing on fanservices and stuffs that are pretty useless for the plot.
The only thing I didn't like was the fighting and making up of the character which goes all over the series but aside from that it really have a good plot. You will really not expect nothing less from old manga they have more appeal than manga nowadays which doesn't have any sense anymore. Good thing I finished this manga and I really enjoyed it.
Rating: 8.5/10 - Good End, not forced, just perfect.
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